InterClinical Professional E Asta Sel 60vc
Vegan friendly
A powerful, naturally derived antioxidant formula blending Vitamin E, Astaxanthin (from algae) & Selenium.
60 capsules
Vegan friendly
A powerful, naturally derived antioxidant formula blending Vitamin E, Astaxanthin (from algae) & Selenium.
60 capsules
Vegan friendly
A powerful, naturally derived antioxidant formula blending Vitamin E, Astaxanthin (from algae) & Selenium.
60 capsules
*Prescription Product – Important Notice:
This is a prescription product and should be used under the guidance of a qualified naturopath or healthcare provider. Purchase and use require prior consultation with a professional. Individualized dosing and application protocols may be necessary. Failure to seek professional advice may lead to ineffective outcomes or adverse reactions. Purchasing without guidance assumes associated risks and responsibilities.
Additional information
Source of selenium and vitamin E. Helps prevent dietary selenium and vitamin E deficiency. Selenium and vitamin E support healthy immune system function and as antioxidants, help reduce free radical damage to body cells.
Contains Vitamin E isomers, 4 x Tocopherols (rapeseed & sunflower seed oil) & 4 x Tocotrienols from annatto & palm (non-GMO, sustainable).